"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"
- Shakespeare
Blouse: Winners
Skirt: Old Navy
Shoes: Present
Baby: Ruben & Cindy Alvarez
Shoes: Present
Baby: Ruben & Cindy Alvarez
I wonder where you are,
and who you’re with.
I wonder what you do,
and what your hobbies are.
I wonder what makes you laugh,
and what makes you mad.
I wonder what makes you happy,
and what makes you sad.
I wonder if you like to read,
and if so, what your favourite book is.
I wonder if you’ve had a good day,
and whether you have plans for tonight.
I wonder if you’re happy right now,
or if there is something missing.
I wonder about your heart,
and what it would take to make it skip a beat.
I wonder about your eyes,
and their colour.
I wonder about your smile,
and what it will take to put one on your face.
I wonder about your laugh,
is it normal or wildly weird.
I wonder about your mind,
and whether it will challenge me.
I wonder about your interests,
and whether they will line up with mine.
I wonder about your fears,
and how they will compare to mine.
I wonder about your dreams,
and if they will line up with mine.
I wonder about your secret quirks,
and if you’ll like mine.
I wonder about your job,
and whether you’re doing what you love.
I wonder if you’re waiting for me,
and if you’re wondering about where I am.
I wonder where you are,
and where you’ve been.
I wonder where we’ll go,
and where we’ll settle down.
I wonder how long it will take to find you …
and I wonder who you are.
and I wonder who you are.