
25 things I've learned in 25 years.

1. Broken bones heal faster than broken hearts(but they heal)

2. Laughter is the best medicine. Learn to laugh at yourself.

3. Schedule your time. Time is precious.

4. Allow yourself to live in the moment.

5. You’re parents are you’re allies.Trust them.

6. Friends come and go.

7. Shut out the world, put in your headphones.

8. Find something you love, and be your best at it.

9. School is important, don’t drop out.

10. Being an adult and broke is the worst thing that can happen to you. Save, save, save!

11. You’ll get rejected. & you’ll survive.

12. Honesty is the best policy.

13. A boy will break your heart & the next girl he dates will be prettier than you... It will suck but you'll be OK. 

14. Strive to be healthy, not skinny.

15. Don’t be afraid to meet new people.

16. Go on vacation.

17. Take a day to sit and read a book.

18. Guard your heart.

19. ↑Stand↑ up for what is right, not popular.

20. People are going through more than you realize, so be kind.

21.Learn to pray. Prayer will get you through everything.

22. Don’t burn those bridges. You might need them to cross one day.

23. Love God. Love People. Love yourself.

24. You won’t have it figured out yet.

25. Don't stress about it, it will happen when it happens.


  1. #11 I've been rejected and I've survived and I always look forward to #16 going on vacation.

  2. #11 I've been rejected and I've survived and I always look forward to #16 going on vacation.

  3. Put on your earbuds and listen to mountain music!

  4. Put on your earbuds and listen to mountain music!

  5. I love this! So great that you blogged about it. Now you have something to refer back to in times when you may forget these wise words :)

    Would love if you visited my blog. I'm a newbie :) - www.quiteanovelidea.com

  6. I love this! So great that you blogged about it. Now you have something to refer back to in times when you may forget these wise words :)

    Would love if you visited my blog. I'm a newbie :) - www.quiteanovelidea.com


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