
What NOT to wear.

Can you believe that it's December? I think it's crazy how this year has gone by. It's going to be 2013 and I'm going to be 23. I guess I can kick the whole 'be married by 23' off the cliff and I can probably assume that I won't be losing 30 lbs by the end of the year... but hey. I did go back to school. So that's one thing I did accomplish. 


 Once upon there was a girl named ______. She truly hated wearing clothing appropriate to make public appearances. You might be wondering why and she'd be glad to explain. Clothing that is made to be pretty is always so uncomfortable. Everything is made a size to small so it fits snug and it means you can't overeat at a party. So one day she decided to go against all politically correct standards and walk out the door wearing this....

Gasp!!!! And as she walked around the busy streets of _______, she ignored all the stares that she received from the people who thought she was homeless she decided that she would continue to go against the norm and always wear clothing that made her look like she was heading to the gym on her fat day. She felt so free!

I dare you to feel like your on top of the world and wear something that you feel comfortable in for a couple hours. Go outside. Take a picture. Tie your hair in a knot and have a dance battle with yourself. 

True story. 

(I was actually taking pictures of my sister in law) 

Enjoy the stories that I make up in my head. 


Channing Tatum, Lance Armstrong and Tim Tebow.,

I literally had the most restless sleep last night. So I'm a little out of orbit today.
Anyways, I don't have an outfit to post this week but I thought I'd write my thoughts down about a couple of things that I've read these last couple weeks.
First I'd like to say congratulations to People Magazine for hitting the nail on the head with this years 'Sexiest Man Alive'

hello Channing!
Channing Tatum: 'People' Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive 2012!
 Really? What is there to say? Agreeeeed? Yeah, I guess. AGREEED!
I don't think I've agreed this much since Hugh Jackman.
Anyways, Next on my topics is LANCE ARMSTRONG.
I don't know if anyone has been listening or reading whats been going on lately with this guy, but its not good. He's accused of doping (frowned upon in cycling circles) and well apparently he's been found guilty and was stripped of all (seven to be exact) of his tour de france titles. (which..is a big deal!)
So, what are my thoughts?
This is utterly stupid.
I'm not saying he did or he didn't. I'm just saying that he "won" his last race in 2005.
Its like 2012 now, and its not until now that his "teammates" are testifying against. I think thats shady. If it was such a concern why not bring forth your evidence than. When it matttered?
I'm not for doping, I'm just saying, its been 7 years.
Anyways, after he was stripped of his titles, he got dropped by a bunch of his sponsors like nike and oakley.
Dude, the guy raised a bunch of money of cancer. I'd stick by him.
Anyways, I guess, I'm just saying that hes known more for his work with cancer than he is for his cycling career. Lay off.
Tim Tebow.
Quarter back for the Jets.
First, I'd like to say I'm not a football fanatic. I don't even watch football. Mostly because I still don't get it.
But I heard about this guy because of his devotion to his beliefs.
I got intrigued after I heard what he had written John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"
on his cheek bones during a championship game. In the next 24 hours he would cause 92 million people to research the verse. (above)
Why do I like this guy?
Because, he's unashamed. In every sense of the word. He sings hymnals to calm his nerves, used to wear bible verses on his cheeks (philippians 4:13) and prays before every game on the field. (tebowing)
I can't imagine what this world would be like if we all simply lived unashamed.
He's be critiques harshly for his skills on the field (which I cannot judge)
But I don't even care.
Can I marry this guy, PLEASE?
Kiddin. Sorta.

There ya have it.
Those are my thoughts.
See ya soon loves.



10 Day You Challenge: Two Songs

Oh No. Its the second last time that we will be doing a Ten Day Challenge. So Sad. 
I want to wish all my fellow Canadians a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Who here eats to much on thanksgiving day? 
Our church got together to share a nice meal and I think we could have fed an entire army.t

Anyways, today's challenge is really tricky. There are a billion songs that I love. 


(I've been staring at the screen thinking, and still nothing) 

Jesus at the center - Israel Houghton
this is the song of the moment. 
I absolutely love it. 


What Hurts the Most- Rascal Flatts
I can fall asleep to this song, study to this song.
Its beautiful.

Honorable Mentions:
Luke Bryan: Apologize

Jesus Culture



10 Day YOU Challenge: 3 Films.

'Appy Tuesday Mate(s)
I've gone home to london for a week and I worked today from 8 am to 7 pm and was super exhausted!
I am also doggy sitting my brothers dogs and so I went over to his house and remembered HART OF DIXIE PREMIER!
(if you haven't seen this show and love LOVE and southern hospitality, WATCH IT)

Clutch, timbit and Bentley!

so, i tuned into that while eating a subway sandwich.
Now I'm waiting for my clothes to dry so I can shower and head to bed. I have another long work day tomorrow.

Anyways, its the 10 day YOU challenge again and we're at THREE FILMS.
I'm so sad that its almost over but its been really fun! Its been keeping my blog alive the last couple weeks cause I've been so out of it. Need to get bloggin'
I hope you enjoy!
Number One.
Lion King.
Its been my favourite me since the very first time I saw it.
I sing the songs, I quote it.
I mean, c'mon!
Hakuna Matata!!
Number Two.
Sweet Home Alabama

"Why do you want to marry me anyway?"
"So I can kiss you anytime I want"
*Sigggh!  Enough said!
Number Three

The Avengers.
Best superhero movie I've seen.
It was so funny, I died.

"We've got a hulk"
Others: Pride and Prejudice, Anchorman, Harry Potter, X-Men First Class, Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, Megamind, Swing Kids, She's the Man, Pearl Harbour and 300.



10 Day You Challenge: Four Books

So, for some reason the last two weeks I've had NOTHING to post on my blog. I think I need some new adventures or something or other. Anyways, I am excited about this weeks post because I LOVE reading. Its one of my favorite thing to do. So I have a bit of books that I love and would be willing to read over and over again. So picking just four is going to be hard. 
Well, I hope everyone has a great week. 

To Kill A Mockingbird 
Harper Lee
So, I read this in high school and thought it was amazing. 

A few years later, I was at chapters skimming the book shelves for a good book to read and saw the a special edition of To Kill A Mockingbird and bought it and re-read. I still love and maybe will read again soon. 

J.M Coetzee
In grade 10 english class I had to pick a novel from a list and write a book report and five minute presentation for the novel of my choosing. The first novel I read was the memoirs of a geisha and DESPISED it. 

and then my second book I chose was Disgrace. I had never heard of the author and just kinda picked because I didn't know what else to pick. 

I did not regret it one minute. Its a great book! 

Harry Potter
J.K Rowling
I know some people out there are haters. And people object because of the magic and darkness of the books but she did a great job of creating a universe and story that continued for SEVEN books. I think I read some of the them twice. If she wrote another book I wouldn't hesitate to read it. 

The Lovely Bones
Alice Sebold 
If I ever need to murder someone this book taught me how to do it leaving no trace behind. After I read this book I think I recommended it to EVERYONE! 

Got some of my friends to read it, also lent it to a friend and never got it back. Now, if only I could remember which friend! 

If you haven't read it, READ IT!  

Other Recommendations:
anything by Jodi Picoult, Nicholas Sparks, Sophie Kinsella, Jane Austen, Emily Griffin, Marian Keyes.
I also liked the 12th Night by Shakespeare. 
I also enjoy Calvin & Hobbes and Archie comics. 
I will also be trying to complete Jane Eyre! and the rest of the Hunger Games trilogy. 



10 Day You Challenge: Five Food

So... I missed yesterday for some reason. Probably because I was at school for a long time and I actually went to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks and have continued to do so THREE TIMES this week. Anyways, yesterdays challenge was Five Foods. I LOVE FOOD.

Not all Chinese. Specifically a place in London called Dragon Gate.
Its so delicious. I still have to find a place like it. 


Spanish Food.
Nuff' Said. 


Mushroom Burger.
It has to be done right. And the mushrooms have to be sauteed correctly. 


Pizza Hut
This restaurant has the best pizza. I have yet to eat a pizza that tastes better.


Jack Astors Beef Chili Nachos 



10 Day You Challenge: 6 Places

Today feels like monday, even though its tuesday! (we like tuesdays around here)
This week is going to be busy, I'm taking a break from studying to write up this blog.
I have two exams this week (wish me luck)
One in business math and another in microeconomics. Are you interested?
Cramming as much as I can into this brain of mine!
Well, I'm excited about this weeks Six Places.

I have this love for this place. Its my number one place to go.

London, Ontario
My hometown!
I miss every inch of that place. I don't regret moving away but I get excited everytime I get to go home. 


Pinery Park
My most favourite place on earth. I could spend every day here! Its beauitful.
Plus, when you're getting ready to leave theres a beauitful ice cream stop and canoe/water bike rental place.

Come on ladies, how many hot boys have come from this country?
hm, hugh jackman, the hemsworth brothers.
plus, its hot and theres kangaroos!

Louisiana, USA
Only because my family lives here. And I do enjoy a trip here every so often!

New York City
I have a strong desire to visit this place, mostly because of the broadway!

Honorable Mentions:
Toronto, Ontario
Niagara Falls



Fashion Weekend: Long skirts and weird smiles.

I have loved none but you. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone I think and plan. Have you not seen this?  Miss Elliot, I can bear this no longer. You pierce my soul. I'm half agony, half hope. Unjust I may have been. Weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it eight years ago. 
Captain Wentworth - Persuasion

Long skirts make me feel romantic. 

 Taken from Instagram.

Blazer: Suzy Shier (Last year)
Skirt: F21
Tank: Suzy Shier
Belt: Ardenes
Shoes: The Shoe Company (OXOX) 


10 Day You Challenge: Seven Wants.

It's TUESDAY again!  
*(Small Dance)* 

I was sitting at Applebee's yesterday with a couple of my friends and we were talking about blogging. You may know Cindy and Sarah. (if you don't, check 'em out
I was telling them how much I love Tuesdays and how this week it was seven wants. I'm very excited, I think I've been thinking about it all morning!

To be healthy. I've been sick for about a little over a week. And its driving me nuts. Stuffy nose, ear aches, sneezing, itchy eyes and headaches! I think this is my biggest want at the moment. 

These shoes.

a tour of England.

I wouldn't mind this kind of body

Clear skin. I've been dealing with breakouts lately and its crazy. I mean I'm 22 years old, isn't this teenage problems? 

Singing lessons. I am now part of my church choir and we sing but I feel as if I'm the weakest link.
I can hold a tune, but I still have a lot to learn.

A piece of cake. I mean, a good piece of cake! 

Have a happy week everyone! 


Hairstyle: SockBun

I've got a sinus infection. 
I pretty much feel as if I'm going to die.
Your probably thinking I'm exaggerating but its just so hard to function correctly when your brain is constantly screaming at you for allowing it to hurt as much as it does. 
I don't have an outfit for this week yet, but I wanted to post videos of a hairdo I did last week I believe.
love sock buns. 
I hope you enjoy!

Pay 'em a visit please :) 

I'm a pretty big fan of buns! So here's another day where I wore a bun without a the help of a sock bun.
I do like the structure that a sock bun adds. But sometimes I like to vary it up. 

Happy Thursday!


10 Day You Challenge: Eight Fears

Eight Fears

Before I start I just wanted to say how much I look forward to Tuesdays. Is that weird? 
I'm always so excited to see what people will write as their answers. Is that weird?
Anyways, I just like Tuesday.
Although today I had an exam, and I didn't realize it.
He changed our normal Thursday to Tuesday this week for personal reasons and in my head I thought I had a couple days to go over my notes. I was wrong.
So, I'm just going to hope for the best. I didn't feel totally stupid. So that's okay right?

Snakes. I don't know when I developed this fear. I've never been attacked by a snake or even encountered one that was on the loose and wild and venomous.I can't even watch them on TV or see them at the zoo. I think they are ugly. They don't have legs or eyelids.
 ItsSsSs just wrong. 

Falling. I don't like roller coasters for this particular little detail. Whose idea was it that dropping at high speeds was fun? I can do heights, just not the dropping.
Although, I do want to skydive at some point in my life.

Losing my family. It would be like losing my life. 

Dying in a car accident.
I had myself convinced for the longest time that this was the way I was going to die. I got into a car accident on the highway when I was 16. Rolling and crashing in barricades and landing in a ditch are not my thing. Which is probably why I despise driving.
I also think I'm going to get run into when I drive to school on the highway EVERYDAY.

Good thing I trust in the Lord.

Not being successful at something in my life. I want to achieve success at something I love.

This fear probably comes from watching criminal minds or something related to that. I hate walking alone to my car in the middle of the night. Its crazy I know. But when I have to, I run. 

That I'll  be alone forever. This comes and goes depending on the day and how I'm feeling. Sometimes being alone is what I want, and sometimes I want someone. Its an odd thing. 

That I won't represent God in the way that I want. I want to represent love, hope and faith by how I look, speak and act. I fear that I'll let the worst of me come out and shine more then the best of me. But I can DO all things through Christ.  


10 Day You Challenge: 9 Loves.

“Tis better to have loved and lost
                              Than never to have loved at all.” 

I love Him. 

Cake AND ice cream. Your probably thinking that's two things. But here's the deal. I love them equally. I can't decided which one is better because there both awesome. I mean, don't make me choose! DON'T! 

                                        A good country song.

I have this sort of obsession with sunglasses! Maybe cause I drive so often I realize how important they are. And they come in so many different shapes, sizes, colors and designs. You can express yourself through your sunglasses!

Superhero TV shows and movies.
Like, is there a reason why all superheros are hot and muscular?
All I'm saying is I love the view, the story lines and all the nerd people you watch them with.


You can gain weight, lose weight... get taller, shrink if you truly like.
They will probably almost always fit you!

A good book on a rainy day. (or any day)
There is nothing like investing time into a story that is so much more exciting and meaningful then your real life. 


I love summer time. But sweaters are my absolute favorite. Comfortable and warm!

Who says running the way to go?
All I'm saying it doesn't matter if you can't dance, its still fun!

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