
Let's Chat: Sibling "Rivalry"

Today’s post is inspired by my co-workers conversation. She was telling me how she’s amused by these hockey coaches she knows. Apparently the other day, they got into a massive yelling match during a hockey game, mind you, not an adult hockey game, but a hockey game of eight year olds. And that now, they are the best of friends, who meet up every week. She’s genuinely confused, and doesn’t understand how that can happen. To tell you the truth, I’ve known that guys are this way for a while. They can literally get into a brawl, only to be besties a few hours later. But is this the case for all men? Is it just some men? I don’t know. Maybe you should ask someone that knows, because I genuinely know nothing.

I grew up in a household of men (previously known as boys) and I’m still confused most of the time. So I decided, that in honour of a belated “national sibling day”, I’d have a candid discussion about what it’s like to grow up with brothers and how it didn’t help me at all for the real world. First, I guess I should describe what my relationships with my brothers are like. We aren’t on speaking terms. . . Just kidding! As if! My family talks all the time, all day, I genuinely wonder whether we’ll run out of stuff to discuss sometime. Anyways, I’ll stick to the subject. Here are some basic stories, so y’all can get an inside view of the Alvarez (my last name, icydk) household:

My one brother is a complex creature. Always trying to pretend he’s not sensitive, but really he is. It’s a fine line. It takes years of experience to realize when you’ve gone too far, or when you haven’t gone far enough. For example, one time, we were arguing. And mid argument, I became a total girl, and went for the jugular. I spilled the beans about a certain person in his life, who was not being very nice to him. There could have been one million other times, where I could have let him know the situation, but instead I waited for an opportunity that gave me the greatest reward. Apparently the reward was winning this dumb argument.
Side note: Don’t judge me. You know you’ve all done this before. We wait. We keep it in our arsenal, and we pull it out in times of war. Don’t even pretend.

Anyways, I realized the time was now! And well, it had the desired effect. He immediately shut down and stopped talking to me. Now, I thought that this would last for a couple hours. Oh boy, I was mistaken. He gave me the silent treatment for AN ENTIRE WEEK. Guys, I mean… I tried talking to him the next day and he was the ice princess ...I mean, Mr. Freeze. On the flip side: He does NOT enjoy being ignored. I would get mad at him often, and I’d go to my room, slam the door, and linger in my own puddle of angry tears (nothing was ever serious enough to warrant this type of lunacy but hey, I was little) and he’d trot up the stairs and knock on the door and ask me to hang out. I would say no. and he’d sit in front of the door and every few minutes ask “how about now? We could be doing so much right now”. Uh hello young man, I am doing a lot right now, I’m over here being mad. He is a solid bud though.

Now my other brother, he’s a gem of a human being (sarcastically and genuinely). I remember one time we were mid fight, I’m pretty sure about who was allowed to choose what we would be watching on the television. And well, I’m up for a good argument every now and then, and was not budging from my position and my seat. Y’all know that we have “our spots” on couches and such. Apparently, I was in his spot. He got up and he grabbed me by my ankles (how rude!) and yanked, yes, YANKED, me onto the floor! Guys, this is hilarious. Like, just use your imagination. Like who does that? Oh, that’s right, my brother. But like I said he’s a gem. On another occasion, I was crying (I don’t know if these stories really put me in a shining light) about probably not being allowed to eat a cookie or something, and he saw me. He called me over, and he allowed me to sit beside him as he played his piano. He played until I stopped crying, gave me a hug and told me that everything would be fine. Everything was indeed fine, but I always remember it. He was also the only family to see my crying after a boy hurt my feelings. He sat down and explained to me that he knew I’d make someone very happy one day, if I treated him as well as I treated them (my brothers) he’d be very lucky dude (cue the ‘awws’).

And this is why friends, I don’t claim to know anything. People are all different. No matter the gender. The real question I often wonder about is how did women end up getting the label of being complicated? Do you know how many conversations I’ve had with these guys and have left super confused. Legitimately all the time. However, there is no better feeling in the world than knowing you got two big dudes that will have your back at the end of the day, and I guess that makes it all ok. Ugh, all this sap is making me nauseous.

In conclusion, I have two pieces of advice.

1. Mothers: Listen, I’ve seen a grown man cry for their mom. I’ve had to go and call my mom and be like “mom, your son is wondering why you aren’t holding his hand right now?” Just because they are boys, it doesn’t mean they are emotionless. If anything, they might be more emotional. Establish a relationship, let them say what they feel; there will be a moment when he is 30 where he’ll call you crying. But don't you worry, his sister will be in the background calling him a big baby.

2. Sisters: learn to be a “bro”. Don’t be so sensitive. Try to take interest in the things they like. Trust me, if you do, they’ll hang out with you more. And give you lunch money and beautiful watches for your birthday (but like, don’t just do it for that. I’m just saying it’s a perk). Also, sometimes they want to talk to someone, someone that understands the “emotional stuff”. This will also give you some leverage for the next argument. Bahaha, just kidddding.  Do it because you love them. Also, you might need a male perspective sometime, and who better to ask than someone who cares about you.

Well, hopefully the next post isn’t as gross as this one. Tell me about your sibling relationships. Should I have wished for a sister?


Let's Chat.

Welcome back to the most inconsistent blog on the internet. I apologize if you've been patiently waiting for me to write something, I'm going to be honest... I've been very uninspired as of late. The reason for this is because I wear my opinion on my sleeve. If I have one, you'll hear it. Maybe I should try and save them, so I can blog about them at a later date. No promises though.

Speaking of opinions, I'm here to let you know mine about several different things that I've been noticing. It's ironic, that I'm going to give my opinion on someone else's opinions, but frankly, I just can't take it anymore. I guess this will be a list of pet peeves, and hopefully I'm not alone on these. But if I am, I will stand my ground on this.

Pet Peeve #1: The person that bashes their exes on sosh meeds (aka: social media)

I've seen it a lot recently and I just don't understand. Listen, sure, that person could have done you wrong, sure they might be the worst. For all I know they might enjoy having a pet snake. Or maybe they like olives. I don't know. But this is my question: why? And why does it have to be every-other-day.  Why do you have to write on your Facebook:

"my ex is such a tool, he literally thought he could call me and I'd answer. Boy, BYE!" (I wish you could hear my voice as I say this)

Uh huh, uh huh, right. You know what I see; a girl who loves the attention and wants people to give her a high five for not answering the phone. This also makes me feel like you might not have any friends, but what do I know?

Don't expect this from me.

Pet Peeve #2: The Comment Section
Oh my goodness, don't do it. Especially on videos about politics, God, Religion or any mainstream issue. Do you know how many times I've made this mistake. I always leave raging!

Pet Peeve #3: Where is my vanilla cake, with vanilla icing?
Why is this not a thing? Why can't I go to a café or something, and get a slice of vanilla cake with vanilla icing? Again, why? 

Pet Peeve #4: Exposing those DMs
Here's a thing I've noticed: pretty girls complain about being single, so obviously guys are going to direct message them. These same girls, decide that they'll expose every single person that doesn't meet their "standard". Again, why? Just stahp! There's no need. Be classy!

Side note: Young man, I know we are all in love with Jesus, but that doesn't mean you have to introduce yourself via DM by saying "God bless you sister". And even less so, don't send that six hundred fifty two  times. If she didn't answer you after the second time you try, just understand that it's not going to happen. Don't be annoying. Run along.

Ok, ok, in conclusion:

Listen, I know this is the purpose of social media. I put stuff on social media all the time. In fact, If I thought it was appropriate to write everything I though on twitter, I probably would. But if I can filter it out, so can you. Also, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, if you are warning the general public about a guy that is trouble (harassment, abuse, murderer) go ahead and put him on blast, but if you are doing it for attention, or with a mean spirit, or simply because you want people to know that boys message you, we don't care. Seriously. Genuinely. Also, I'm not attacking girls, I know some guys have done it too. But let's be honest, how many guys read my blog (if you do, welcome, I'm happy you are here). From the bottom of my heart. however, if you put it out there, I will talk about it with my friends.

What are your pet peeves? Let me know! Leave a comment.

K, Bye. 
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