
Its been a long winter...

& I'm back.

Sometimes, I wish I could treat this blog like a diary. If I did than I'd have so much more to write about than just ordinary things.
I guess I could try, maybe just this once.

I moved back home two months ago. At the time I thought it might be the best idea for me. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of debt and despair while I was living away and I thought that maybe moving back home would ease the pressure and I COULD BREATHE AGAIN. Well, it did. Financially this is the best I've been in a really long time. I have a steady job and steady income. I am finishing school, even if it is online learning, and I'm doing pretty good. 

So whats the problem?
I miss "home". I guess it became my home for a year and half but the travelling back and forth is driving me crazy. I miss just being in the city I know I'm meant to be in. Crazy enough, my parents and I haven't decided which city we will be moving too, but we know its going to be near the church.
I didn't think I'd miss it. To be honest, I was relieved to be coming home. And now I'm itching to move back! If only we could just snap our fingers and things would fall into place. 

anyways, on a brighter note--
I've lost 4lbs!
Oh, yes, I went back to the gym. Before I moved back I lost 10 lbs.

Thanks to my sister-in-law always willing to suffer the chilly freezing weather to try and capture at least one moment where I look normal. 

 Cardigan: Wal Mart
Blouse: Reitmans
Skirt: Unknown
Shoes: Suzy Shier
Hat: Payless 

Ps. This is my absolutely favourite one! 


  1. what a gorgeous skirt! The entire outfit is stunning and I especially like the flow of the skirt and it's bright color. Add red lipstick and BOOM Ruth is on fire!!! Seriously, you would POP off the page. Thanks for coming by Very Busy Mama and let me know if you style a cap...I'll help you out! beso

  2. Ooooh, I love the skirt! It's just asking to dance! So fun and flowy.

    And, congrats on the weight loss! Getting healthy is always a good thing. :-)

  3. Such a pretty such a pretty outfit, congrats on losing 10 pounds too, that always feels great!

  4. LOVE that skirt!! I need to wear more skirts in the winter.

  5. you look so beautiful...like always duh!
    and also..update your blog more! I like reading your stuff

  6. I say treat it like your diary! Your writing is beautiful and nothing helps inner peace more than writing how you feel (at least for me) Congrats on the weight loss as well - that is amazing! Your outfit is gorgeous - the color of that skirt is perfection!

    Clothes & Quotes

  7. Beautiful outfit! Love the blue skirt. And hey, hurrah for weight loss! Always a struggle for me so I know how good 4 lbs feels :)

  8. Hi Ruth - I found you through the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop at Katherine's Corner and wanted to stop by to say "HI"! I love your beautiful outfit, but the thing I love the most over here is your honesty. It is such a blessing to discover a new friend who is open and willing to share, truly, from the heart. Keep up the good work! If you get a minute, please stop by and visit me at www.mamaslittletreasures.com I'm not so great at fashion but I do post lots of creative tutorials and posts, so you might find something of interest! Hope to connect with you again soon! Nina @ mamas*little*treasures


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