
10 Day You Challenge: Four Books

So, for some reason the last two weeks I've had NOTHING to post on my blog. I think I need some new adventures or something or other. Anyways, I am excited about this weeks post because I LOVE reading. Its one of my favorite thing to do. So I have a bit of books that I love and would be willing to read over and over again. So picking just four is going to be hard. 
Well, I hope everyone has a great week. 

To Kill A Mockingbird 
Harper Lee
So, I read this in high school and thought it was amazing. 

A few years later, I was at chapters skimming the book shelves for a good book to read and saw the a special edition of To Kill A Mockingbird and bought it and re-read. I still love and maybe will read again soon. 

J.M Coetzee
In grade 10 english class I had to pick a novel from a list and write a book report and five minute presentation for the novel of my choosing. The first novel I read was the memoirs of a geisha and DESPISED it. 

and then my second book I chose was Disgrace. I had never heard of the author and just kinda picked because I didn't know what else to pick. 

I did not regret it one minute. Its a great book! 

Harry Potter
J.K Rowling
I know some people out there are haters. And people object because of the magic and darkness of the books but she did a great job of creating a universe and story that continued for SEVEN books. I think I read some of the them twice. If she wrote another book I wouldn't hesitate to read it. 

The Lovely Bones
Alice Sebold 
If I ever need to murder someone this book taught me how to do it leaving no trace behind. After I read this book I think I recommended it to EVERYONE! 

Got some of my friends to read it, also lent it to a friend and never got it back. Now, if only I could remember which friend! 

If you haven't read it, READ IT!  

Other Recommendations:
anything by Jodi Picoult, Nicholas Sparks, Sophie Kinsella, Jane Austen, Emily Griffin, Marian Keyes.
I also liked the 12th Night by Shakespeare. 
I also enjoy Calvin & Hobbes and Archie comics. 
I will also be trying to complete Jane Eyre! and the rest of the Hunger Games trilogy. 



10 Day You Challenge: Five Food

So... I missed yesterday for some reason. Probably because I was at school for a long time and I actually went to the gym for the first time in a couple weeks and have continued to do so THREE TIMES this week. Anyways, yesterdays challenge was Five Foods. I LOVE FOOD.

Not all Chinese. Specifically a place in London called Dragon Gate.
Its so delicious. I still have to find a place like it. 


Spanish Food.
Nuff' Said. 


Mushroom Burger.
It has to be done right. And the mushrooms have to be sauteed correctly. 


Pizza Hut
This restaurant has the best pizza. I have yet to eat a pizza that tastes better.


Jack Astors Beef Chili Nachos 



10 Day You Challenge: 6 Places

Today feels like monday, even though its tuesday! (we like tuesdays around here)
This week is going to be busy, I'm taking a break from studying to write up this blog.
I have two exams this week (wish me luck)
One in business math and another in microeconomics. Are you interested?
Cramming as much as I can into this brain of mine!
Well, I'm excited about this weeks Six Places.

I have this love for this place. Its my number one place to go.

London, Ontario
My hometown!
I miss every inch of that place. I don't regret moving away but I get excited everytime I get to go home. 


Pinery Park
My most favourite place on earth. I could spend every day here! Its beauitful.
Plus, when you're getting ready to leave theres a beauitful ice cream stop and canoe/water bike rental place.

Come on ladies, how many hot boys have come from this country?
hm, hugh jackman, the hemsworth brothers.
plus, its hot and theres kangaroos!

Louisiana, USA
Only because my family lives here. And I do enjoy a trip here every so often!

New York City
I have a strong desire to visit this place, mostly because of the broadway!

Honorable Mentions:
Toronto, Ontario
Niagara Falls



Fashion Weekend: Long skirts and weird smiles.

I have loved none but you. You alone have brought me to Bath. For you alone I think and plan. Have you not seen this?  Miss Elliot, I can bear this no longer. You pierce my soul. I'm half agony, half hope. Unjust I may have been. Weak and resentful I have been, but never inconstant. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it eight years ago. 
Captain Wentworth - Persuasion

Long skirts make me feel romantic. 

 Taken from Instagram.

Blazer: Suzy Shier (Last year)
Skirt: F21
Tank: Suzy Shier
Belt: Ardenes
Shoes: The Shoe Company (OXOX) 


10 Day You Challenge: Seven Wants.

It's TUESDAY again!  
*(Small Dance)* 

I was sitting at Applebee's yesterday with a couple of my friends and we were talking about blogging. You may know Cindy and Sarah. (if you don't, check 'em out
I was telling them how much I love Tuesdays and how this week it was seven wants. I'm very excited, I think I've been thinking about it all morning!

To be healthy. I've been sick for about a little over a week. And its driving me nuts. Stuffy nose, ear aches, sneezing, itchy eyes and headaches! I think this is my biggest want at the moment. 

These shoes.

a tour of England.

I wouldn't mind this kind of body

Clear skin. I've been dealing with breakouts lately and its crazy. I mean I'm 22 years old, isn't this teenage problems? 

Singing lessons. I am now part of my church choir and we sing but I feel as if I'm the weakest link.
I can hold a tune, but I still have a lot to learn.

A piece of cake. I mean, a good piece of cake! 

Have a happy week everyone! 

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